Shoulder handbags are probably the most practical style that you can buy. They are big enough to hold everything you need for a day out - whether you're at work or shopping, and you can wear them over your shoulder leaving your hands free to carry your shopping bags, coffee and muffin.
But what kind of shoulder handbag is right for you? First you need to see what you'll be carrying in it. What size is your purse? Do you usually carry a book and make-up bag - this is important because both take up a lot of space and means you'll have to get a bigger bag. Lots of women like to carry a bottle of water and a snack and a notebook and pen is always handy, and you musn't forget yor phone and PDA. If you've got children you'll need an even bigger bag because you're bound to end up carrying their toys and bottles, even when they're not with you.
You also need to think about your personal style. Don't buy a handbag that doesn't fit with your wardrobe - a neon bag will be a colpete waste of money if your usual wardrobe is full of blacks and browns - you're not the kind of person that will use such a bright bag.
All women need to have a couple of shoulder handbags in her wardrobe. A black bag is a must - it's a safe choice for work and will go with most outfits and most situations. Brown bags are also good. Again, they go with most outfits but have more fashionable look to them than black bags and are good for all seasons. If you like something a bit more exciting there are plenty of variations of colour, material and style. Take your time to look around and make the right choice.
There are shoulder handbags for every woman's taste and budget and a quick look on the internet will bring you thousands of choices.
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