These bags pivotal feature apart from the bulk size is their added extras. These huge surprises come decorated with gems, metal accessories and embroidery giving a look of 1930’s. Braiding, grommets, colored leather and pleating are all part of the course on these bags, in which excess is premium. Golden chain straps giving metallic confidence are one more great detail added to them. These bags are available in variety of colors and can be the key accessory of your dressing style. The generous size of the bag with the style check makes it perfect for day-to-night transition. The “it” bag has become the decisive accessory for young twenty something girls partying every night on. Another attraction to using the big bag is the skinnier illusion it creates of the carrier adding much need excitement to any sort of unexciting outfit. These bags specially look good with huge glares adding more dramatic overall effect.
To get inspiration and do a style test let’s check out how celebrities welcome the big bag trend this season. Designer and trendy handbags are as good as precious Jewellery items and ultimate status symbol; it helps the fashion bigestas to show off their credentials with the trend, luxurious lifestyle and their earning status. From classics such as the Hermès Birkin and Fendi Spy, to Mulberry's and channel, celebrities have it all. Paris Hilton was spotted with white YSL Muses while Lindsay Lohan is all praise for her Channel handbag in gold making a classic statement. The channel handbags are value for money and never out of style.
The pop Diva Madonna has laid her hands on beautiful chocolate Prada handbag. Nicole Ritchie adores her love for Balenciaga Lariat bag by buying it in almost every color available; green, blue, pink, black and white. This can be termed as being loyal to your style. Kate Moss is a dedicated fashion follower and owns almost every style bag but this season she is being spotted being dedicated to her Mulberry’s Bayswater and is frequently seen with her black version. Louise Redknapp was recently spotted with Stella McCartney's Ladybird - the latest handbag in Stella's famously ethical range. Never one to miss a trend, the supermodel has been spotted with the latest “It” bag from Mulberry - the Emmy – making it the next hit this season.
These handbags range anywhere from $500 and there is no upper limit to the price tag of this style accessory. It differs from one brand to another. So do not forget to be “in” this season by accommodating the “it” bag in your style check.
These handbags range anywhere from $500 and there is no upper limit to the price tag of this style accessory. It differs from one brand to another. So do not forget to be “in” this season by accommodating the “it” bag in your style check.
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