by Anna Miller
It used to be available at the click of a mouse. Logon to your favorite search engine, type in the words discount designer handbag and become thrilled with an endless list of online resources for authentic designer fashion at discount prices. Discount designer handbags are becoming a thing of the past. That is, authentic high end designer purses are costing more and more every year. You may still be able to pay a few hundred dollars for a good fake bag, but authentic designer handbags are no longer a bargain.
Names like Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Dior, Tods, etc. are considered the fashion bag icons, and in 2005, the average cost of one of these high end fashion bags was $2000 each. Since that time, the average cost has increased to about $3000 or more each. Fashionistas worldwide ask, "When is this going to stop?" Is it really fair to charge such a high price for a purse? Is it smart for the Designers to do price their items at unobtainable costs? The average woman, working an average job, making an average salary, supporting an average family can't pay $3000 for a new purse! But, nonetheless, she dreams about it, and probably even sheds a tear or two because she can't get the designer purse she wants.
The department stores are getting smarter, too. They don't overstock high end designer handbags making them a demand item vs. leftovers after the season ends. Sales are far and few in between. In 2006 and 2007 many stores had sales before December 25th with NO leftovers during the true Sale Season. Consumers are paying premium prices for leather, a logo, monogram and a designer name. They fear not getting what they want if they wait for a Sale!
Most people hate fakes and counterfeit merchandise, but the business is booming because the authentic merchandise is too expensive. Stores like Target and a few others are smart. They are featuring Designers to produce low-cost fashion merchandise to help circumvent counterfeiting. Let us hope this works. Counterfeiting is bad. More stores should follow in the footsteps of Target and offer low cost designer products.
The manufacturing costs and the increased value of the Euro have definitely influenced the cost of designer fashion handbags. If an item is made from Italian leather and manufactured in Italy, the cost is high. If the same item is made of Italian leather and manufactured (or assembled) in another country the final cost is lower. When we look at the items we want and compare prices we need to take the manufacturing process into consideration. Many people do not want a Burberry bag assembled in China. They want the same bag assembled (or made) in England. They don't realize the cost of the bag made in England has a much higher price tag than the exact same bag made in China.
Get ready for 2008. If you are a designer handbag addict like many of us are proud to proclaim, get ready to pay a higher price for a new purse in 2008. You may still be able to find the purse of your dreams at an off-retail price, but the price won't be as low as you have paid in the past.
If you purchase only authentic merchandise, there are online resources to fulfill your needs. When shopping online, look for a website with longevity and fast replies to emails. Ask questions before you buy. Many of the lower priced items are scarce or limited in availability. When you see something you want, don't wait too long to make a purchase or it may not be available the next time you visit the website.
Be careful not to fall prey to websites selling counterfeit designer handbags. Many of the sites say they are authentic, but they aren't. If you see a site selling current collection items at half price, please be careful. There is no way anyone (even the Designer) can sell their designer bags at half price.
If you are looking for a good price and need guidance, ask for help. If you are planning to purchase authentic designer handbags in 2008, plan to shop around for below retail prices. They will still be available, but not as easy to find as they were in the past.
Anna Miller is the President of, Inc. (IGM). She owns and operates the website IGM has had online presence since 1996 and sells authentic designer handbags and accessories at below retail prices. Anna is considered an Internet Pioneer and Ecommerce Entrepreneur. was named Best of the Web by People StyleWatch for off-retail priced designer handbags and was recognized by as the top of online retailers selling Chanel handbags. Visit for more information.
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