Sunday, 30 December 2007

The 2008 dinosaur: A discount designer handbag

by Anna Miller

It used to be available at the click of a mouse. Logon to your favorite search engine, type in the words discount designer handbag and become thrilled with an endless list of online resources for authentic designer fashion at discount prices. Discount designer handbags are becoming a thing of the past. That is, authentic high end designer purses are costing more and more every year. You may still be able to pay a few hundred dollars for a good fake bag, but authentic designer handbags are no longer a bargain.

Names like Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Dior, Tods, etc. are considered the fashion bag icons, and in 2005, the average cost of one of these high end fashion bags was $2000 each. Since that time, the average cost has increased to about $3000 or more each. Fashionistas worldwide ask, "When is this going to stop?" Is it really fair to charge such a high price for a purse? Is it smart for the Designers to do price their items at unobtainable costs? The average woman, working an average job, making an average salary, supporting an average family can't pay $3000 for a new purse! But, nonetheless, she dreams about it, and probably even sheds a tear or two because she can't get the designer purse she wants.

The department stores are getting smarter, too. They don't overstock high end designer handbags making them a demand item vs. leftovers after the season ends. Sales are far and few in between. In 2006 and 2007 many stores had sales before December 25th with NO leftovers during the true Sale Season. Consumers are paying premium prices for leather, a logo, monogram and a designer name. They fear not getting what they want if they wait for a Sale!

Most people hate fakes and counterfeit merchandise, but the business is booming because the authentic merchandise is too expensive. Stores like Target and a few others are smart. They are featuring Designers to produce low-cost fashion merchandise to help circumvent counterfeiting. Let us hope this works. Counterfeiting is bad. More stores should follow in the footsteps of Target and offer low cost designer products.

The manufacturing costs and the increased value of the Euro have definitely influenced the cost of designer fashion handbags. If an item is made from Italian leather and manufactured in Italy, the cost is high. If the same item is made of Italian leather and manufactured (or assembled) in another country the final cost is lower. When we look at the items we want and compare prices we need to take the manufacturing process into consideration. Many people do not want a Burberry bag assembled in China. They want the same bag assembled (or made) in England. They don't realize the cost of the bag made in England has a much higher price tag than the exact same bag made in China.

Get ready for 2008. If you are a designer handbag addict like many of us are proud to proclaim, get ready to pay a higher price for a new purse in 2008. You may still be able to find the purse of your dreams at an off-retail price, but the price won't be as low as you have paid in the past.

If you purchase only authentic merchandise, there are online resources to fulfill your needs. When shopping online, look for a website with longevity and fast replies to emails. Ask questions before you buy. Many of the lower priced items are scarce or limited in availability. When you see something you want, don't wait too long to make a purchase or it may not be available the next time you visit the website.

Be careful not to fall prey to websites selling counterfeit designer handbags. Many of the sites say they are authentic, but they aren't. If you see a site selling current collection items at half price, please be careful. There is no way anyone (even the Designer) can sell their designer bags at half price.

If you are looking for a good price and need guidance, ask for help. If you are planning to purchase authentic designer handbags in 2008, plan to shop around for below retail prices. They will still be available, but not as easy to find as they were in the past.

Anna Miller is the President of, Inc. (IGM). She owns and operates the website IGM has had online presence since 1996 and sells authentic designer handbags and accessories at below retail prices. Anna is considered an Internet Pioneer and Ecommerce Entrepreneur. was named Best of the Web by People StyleWatch for off-retail priced designer handbags and was recognized by as the top of online retailers selling Chanel handbags. Visit for more information.

Sunday, 23 December 2007

I would never rent a designer handbag

By Woody Lee

In case you haven't noticed, designer handbags have made headlines lately because of the rising costs, increased demand and crazed enthusiasm surrounding the latest "it" bags. As a self-professed designer handbag connoisseur, I am constantly on the look out for the latest handbag trends. There's one trend in particular that irks me more than a row of fake Goyard and Chanel handbags on display on 5th Avenue --- handbag rentals. The Media is hyped with coercing people into joining a designer handbag rental service to carry a designer handbag in lieu of actually purchasing one. Although renting can be a smart alternative in many situations (car rentals, apartment rentals, cabana rentals, etc.), handbag rentals are not exactly your best investment.

Like with living accommodations, financial advisors most often say buying makes for a sound investment because your money goes toward something that can one day recant its value or even make you money. Renting neither makes you more nor does it provide you with something to sell, so why would anyone “rent” an expensive designer handbag. A lot of people like the idea of renting their favorite handbags because it minimizes the high expense associated with purchasing one or they like the idea of carrying a new handbag every month. But wouldn't you rather put the hundreds of dollars it costs to rent a handbag (rental, membership and shipping fees) toward saving for the handbag of your dreams, rather than put a lot of money (at least $200/month) toward something that you don’t even own? Personally, I like to look around for the best deal and use my money to add to my growing handbag collection. And for the fashionistas who want to carry a new handbag every week or month to maintain status, your friends and co-workers will know you don't actually "own" the handbags and are merely throwing your money away.

In addition to throwing your money down the drain, people who rent handbags take the risk of ultimately paying for the handbag they rent at above-retail costs. For instance, if your rented handbag is lost or stolen (which happens often), the renter has to pay for the replacement cost which could be in the thousands of dollars. And don’t even get me started on damage fees when renting a bag. How many times have you been out to a bar and spilled on your brand new designer handbag or dropped it on the ground. Handbag rental services charge you for damage (other than normal wear and tear) to the handbag.

Despite a bad investment and the stress related to worrying about lost or theft of the rented handbag, one of the biggest concerns I have with renting a handbag is "germs." When your rental handbag arrives, you have no idea who rented it beforehand. You have no idea what was carried inside the bag or where the bag had been prior to it arriving at your doorstep. Throughout the year there had been studies released about the many germs and bugs that thrive inside a handbag, including e-coli, salmonella, bacillus, superbugs and many more viruses. But what’s even worse than the fact that it is hard to have a germ-free bag, is that handbags pick up these germs from normal use (using public restrooms, dirty make-up bags, etc.). Now think about all the places rented handbags may have been -- you get the picture.

Plus there are many other options to renting a designer handbag which entail actually owning designer handbags such as:

  • Shop around: There are a lot of web sites that offer today's hottest names in designer handbags at discounted prices, like eFashionHouse and Overstock to name a few.
  • Take advantage of sales: most big name retailers have great sales throughout the year, and although the handbags aren't as discounted as the online stores for discount designer handbags, you can still find a deal.
  • Layaway: Some web sites, like BrandsBoutique, offer layaway plans so you can pay over time but still grab a handbag when you see it.
  • Go Vintage: Vintage handbags are back in a big way. In fact some handbag websites are now offering vintage bags and even consider them premium inventory. So don’t waste money renting a pre-owned bag when you can purchase one for the same price as a rental! Visit online shops like luxuryvintage and jillsconsignment.
  • Save: One of the smartest options to owning a must-have designer handbag is putting your money in a savings account until you have enough money to buy the handbag you want. Plus, once you are able to afford the designer bag, your investment item can be resold (today's goods are tomorrow's vintage). Some of the designer handbags resell at a higher cost than your investment.

If there is a designer handbag you are considering to get, but don't have the money to spend to get it, think twice before using a handbag rental service. You might think you're saving money, but in reality your investment actually has no pay off.

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Tano handbags a rainbow of colors

Have you ever seen such a delightful assortment of colors for handbags? Tano handbags are available in all the colors of the rainbow. One of our favorite Tano colors in mineral yellow. It's a true deep, rich yellow, and it's not a common color you'd see everyone else carrying. Tano picks basic colors keeping them easy to match with current fashion demands. A sample of the Tano handbag mineral yellow leather is shown here:
A newer color introduced by Tano recently is a deep, rich, rose colored leather. As you can see by the photo below, the contrasting trim is a soft, distressed, metallic trim. Tano handbags are made using the finest Italian leathers. The Tano bags are fully lined and have many extra pockets inside for all your essentials.
The famous Tano Boogie Bucket is shown here in Tango Red with dark brown leather trim and silver hardware. The Tano Boogie Bucket is one of Tano's best sellers. It is roomy, functional and very comfortable to carry. It has a slouchy, body-hugging profile.
Cafe brown may not be a rainbow color, but it is a very classic Tano shade of brown. It's not too dark, and it's not too light. Carafe brown shown below is just right. It's a neutral shade and something for all seasons. Braided leather was introduced recently as well. As you can see, the braided straps on the Tano handbag below add a high-end designer detail to a moderately priced purse.

One of our favorites is green. Green leather makes a statement. Tano handbags are available in many shades of green: olive, Congo, Amazon, grass and fern greens. Green is very popular because the color Green represents a way of thinking and living. Here's a perfect true shade of green available in the current Tano handbag collection:

Blueprint Blue is an eye-catcher! Take a look at this beautiful, striking color. It's irresistible. This particular Tano handbag style can be worn as a shoulder bag or messenger bag. Wouldn't you like to see this gorgeous blue hanging on your side? A perfect compliment to your favorite jeans and T-shirt! Blueprint blue is available in select styles. Tano always picks the right color for the perfect style bag.
Ahhhh.... true orange. Not many designers take color risks like Tano. Tano's orange is addictive. Seems as though the Tano handbags in orange leather are meant to be bright and attractive. Orange is such a warm color. It can brighten a dull day or simple dress. Surprisingly, orange can be carried with all shades of blue, brown and earthy tones. It's really a nice addition to your ward robe.

The next time you evaluate the colors in your closet, think about all the solid true colors available in the Tano handbag collection. Tano bags are affordable and made of genuine leather. The Tano designs comes in all sizes and are very versatile with mult-functional qualities.

When the handbag makes the woman

By Pamela Sitt The Seattle Times

This season, bags are huge — and we don't mean in a Mary-Kate Olsen-could-fit-inside kind of way. Handbags as an accessory have enjoyed "it" status since Hollywood starlets started flaunting their Balenciaga in the pages of Us Weekly, but apparently they are now big enough to (figuratively) eclipse an entire outfit.

"The last three seasons, jewelry has been the dominator. Now jewelry is starting to dip off, and the bag is the next thing," says Alex Matthews, director of Thread, a traveling showcase for independent fashion designers. "It's always been there, but it was more of an accessory, an enhancement. Now the bag is becoming the centerpiece of the outfit. People are going to be dressing around their bags."

(Next season: Burlap bags are the Next Big Thing as bags become the outfit! You heard it here first.)

We checked in with a handbagful of the 70 independent designers on the Thread tour. For a complete list of participating clothing and accessory designers, visit threadshow.

Her Web site is SabrinaLovesBags, and handbag designer Sabrina Love Rodriguez readily confesses to a lifelong weakness for a smartly turned-out accessory.

"Bags have always been my shoes," Rodriguez says. "It's easy to use a bag as a fun pop and piece of pizazz to an otherwise conservative outfit. ... I think a bag is a way to express yourself and add a little fun."

The former stylist and costume-designer creates vintage-inspired clutches in patent leather with a nod to old Hollywood glamour. The idea being: Less is more. "I really believe in keeping things simple," she says. "In a way, carrying a smaller bag forces you to simplify and carry the necessities. A lot of women don't believe you can fit your life into a clutch."

And if you happen to be one of those women, look at it this way — you can always just use the clutch as a wallet. Sabrina Love Handbags retail for about $200-$230.

At Alchemy Goods, you get the feeling you're not just investing in a bag — rather, a way of life. The company's recycled messenger bags deliver a message, or at least a motto: turning useless into useful.

"I think more and more people are voting with their dollars. They are using something like a bag to show their values," says company founder Eli Reich. "When people decide to buy our bags, they are making a statement that locally made is important to them and that the environment is important to them."

Plus, bags made from recycled inner tubes and old seat-belt straps are fun to look at and are surefire conversation starters — "Is that a used bicycle tube, or are you just glad to see me?" — so really, do you need another excuse to shop? Well, here's one more: "I think more and more people are carrying things, and if you have to carry things, why not put it in a good-looking bag?" Reich says.

The laptop says modern-professional, but the laptop bag screams retro-fabulous. "I'm always thinking about the waterproof factor because it rains constantly here," says Michelle Kline, creator of Snap Design. "Personally, I need a bag that can take some schlepping around in the rain."

And during a big downpour, don't we all?

Kline produces the no-frills, unisex vinyl laptop bags using bright colors and geometric shapes. In other words: a bright spot in an otherwise dreary, winter day.

A fanny pack by any other name? Designer Maggie Lee prefers Hipbagz. With a Z. "The [phrase] 'fanny pack' is so laden with negative connotations, so I decided to give them a new name," says Lee. "They really are a whole new thing, anyway. These are really different."

Believe it or not, Hipbagz are actually stylish and don't resemble anything worn by your average tourist. Lee came up with the idea when her mom insisted that she wear a fanny pack on a trip to Barcelona.

"I was like, 'I am not doing that. I can't be in a fashionable place wearing a fanny pack,'" she recalls.

Finding a gap — more like a canyon — in the fashionable-fanny-pack market, Lee decided to fill it. Her line of leather, detachable Hipbagz launched at Fashion Week in Los Angeles this year and is available for $109-$169.

The designer herself frequently finds use for the bags even when she's not traveling abroad: "There were probably four days in a row where I used one — I was going to Vegas one time, and then I was going to a concert and didn't want to stuff my pockets. I figured there are other people who are looking for this kind of item. ... PDAs are really big now, and people want them on their body." Giving a whole new meaning to "hands-free device."

Blog Editor Comment: If you are looking for a reasonable price, high quality and a variety of styles, sizes and designs, buy a Tano Handbag.
Here's a link for your review of the best selection of Tano online.

Friday, 21 December 2007

An Ode to Tano Handbags

Tano Bag, Tano Bag you're the best.
You're cuddly and comfy,unlike all the rest.

I buy you for the style,the colors and the zest,
I'm tellin' all my girlfriends Tano Handbags are the best!

If you like 'em big and roomy or larger than the rest,
you'll love the Tano Purses in your designer nest!

I'm tellin' you for real, Tano Handbags are a deal,
you can buy one, two or three - their prices are a steal!

Tano Handbags fully lined pocket sizes shapes in mind,
you're better off with Tano than any other kind!

Now, you may think I'm jokin' that these words are merely smokin'
but I love the Tano Brand, I'm one of Tano's biggest fans.

OK, you're right, this' silly, a grown woman being gitty,
but sincerely hear me out, Tano Handbags have some clout.

I'm a Tano Brand peddler it's true. I'm loyal through and through
cause quality is a given Tano Purses made in heaven.

Now, if you don't believe it, Click here and take a peek,
our hottest sellin' purses Tano handbags if you seek.

And, while you're sneakin' peeks remember my request
get all your holiday presents within the next few weeks.

So, stock up on the Tano and hand'm out from you.
Fashionista's holiday season online shopping needs no reason.

You'll be happy you gave Tano; red, brown, black, yellow, green or blue!
Now, stop reading this silly riddle
and go shopping for me and YOU!

TANO handbag designer purse suzie Q 3743 tango red designer handbag.

TANO handbag designer purse suzie Q 3743 tango red designer handbag. Tano handbag in all Italian crunch leather. Fully lined. Extra inside pockets. Silver hardware. Lots of pockets and zippers. Full zip top closure. Tano handbag brand new this season. Tano bag measures about 13 x 15 x inches. The double leather handles measure about 20 inches from end to end. The handles can be used over the shoulder by most or carried in hand. The Tano handbag is very modern looking. It is a great size for everyday or work or play. Can be used as a brief bag. Versatile style. Gorgeous construction and design. Guaranteed authentic. Comes with sleeper bag.

Tano bags are made for the busy woman who is on the go and needs a roomy, multi-functional handbag. For the office, the Suzie Q 3743 is a perfect style to carry instead of a brief case. Or, as an everyday bag for the young mom. And, it's perfect for the commuter who needs to carry extra items when away from home.

Tano handbags are affordable and make wonderful gifts. They are available in a variety of styles and colors. Tano bags are one of the best kept secrets in the handbag industry.

Welcome to TANO Handbags Blog

Welcome to the Tano Handbags Google Blog. The Tano handbag in the photo is the famous Tano Boogie Bucket. The Tano Boogie Bucket is style number 9897. The Boogie Bucket was designed by Steve Giner one of the owners for the Tano Company.

TANO purse 9897 designer purses bello boogie bucket designer handbags are available in many colors. TANO handbag 9897 bello boogie bucket. The Tano handbags designer purse measures approximately 12X14X6 with a single shoulder strap with a 10" drop. Fully lined, inside extra pockets. Leather exterior in select colors with brown leather trim and and black trim with silver hardware. Roomy and comfortable. Has a true bucket shape with a slouchy roomy fit and feel. VERY Hot seller. Guaranteed authentic. Comes with sleeper bag. Please make your color selection from the drop down menu. Colors not listed in the drop down menu are no longer available. This item sells quickly. Our price for the Tano Boogie Bucket is the best you'll find online!

Click here to see Tano Handbags in a variety of styles and colors priced from under $100 to $200.
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