from Designer Purses n Bags
... designer purses for traveling. Read it. Believe me, you will thank me.
If you are a travel buff, who loves land hopping, you should look after your designer purse. Unlike travel bags, designer handbags are not meant for constant use or rough weather. You inadvertently drench yourself – with your handbag in your hand – in a sudden downpour, and most likely that will spell the death bell for your favorite designer purse whatever whether you catch cold or not. In addition, some leather might find it too hard to stand the summer temperatures of Asia and Africa, or even some part of the American continent.
The next important issue is storing or preserving your designer handbags while you travel. You might only need the designer bag for occasions and not for the entire journey. If so, it is obvious that you’ll have to tuck it somewhere in the bag, and the way you do it is crucial. It has to be preserved properly, away from pests and moisture, dust and dirt, and heat of course. In some cases, a small bag with sufficient air circulation will serve the purpose. Another priceless tip is to stuff the designer purse with some tissue paper so that it retains its shape inside the bag.
Finally, don’t keep your designer purses in the open, unattended place, even if it is in your hotel room or the restaurant table when you leave to powder your face for few moments. Doing so actually reduces the chances of somebody will steal it. Unfortunately, we tend to misplace items more often while on travel. Being a bit on guard will save you from saying goodbye to your beloved designer purse.